::The Sacred Pause Journey::

There was time not too long ago that I stepped away from everything and was immersed in an intensive in the jungle. The intensive will be a story for another time.
There was no access to technology, sparse electricity and only a non-negotiable invitation
to surrender and let go of control… Oh that’s a big one!

Through running my business and having a team work with me, I've carried a deep feeling and story of feeling responsible being "on" and "connected" almost all the time.
Without the means to connect, I put my trust in the team and released into being present and connecting back within myself....
There was a transition time for this to happen..
Many 'what if' scenarios ran through my mind. Then, a shift began to happen. Days carried on where I realized I hadn't even thought about my phone that was turned off, tucked away...
There was so much transpiring through the work I was doing that I realized how connected I was to truly being present, learning to follow my own rhythms and sensory experiences.

The purpose in me sharing this with you today is that I am creating an invitation for you to join me on a
Sacred Pause Journey over this summer.

I know practically speaking that we cannot disconnect from all means of technology and communication for extended periods of time due to own responsibilities in life. But I also know and trust that it is possible to cultivate heighten states of presence, awareness and deep connection in short periods of time as well.

In our society, it has become the social norm to be tuned on 24/7.
We don't really give ourselves the space to shut down at all and this is affecting our nervous systems on deep levels.
Collectively, we've moved into a state of overdrive.
We crave connection.
We are naturally wired that way.
Connection improves physical health and psychological well-being;
it can help lower anxiety and depression and actually improve our immune function, along with many other health benefits.

How can we learn to cultivate and reconnect in different ways?

I have few questions for you to explore:

-What is your relationship to your technology?
-How soon after you wake do you grab your phone to check email/social media?
-Do you use your phone as an alarm clock?
-What would it feel like if you took the first 15 minutes of waking to flow into your morning without looking at your phone, computer or tv?
-What would it feel like if you took the last 30-60 minutes before bed to wind down technology free?

Is it possible to explore these prompts over the weekend, over the next few weeks?
Test them out. Try them on.
I invite you to join me on this journey.
Feel free to message me and share your thoughts, your experience.
I want to hear from you!

Cheers to embarking on this journey!

