::The Power of Being Naked::

Now that I've got your attention, here we go!

I want to ask you...

What is your relationship to vulnerability? 
How often do you allow yourself to be vulnerable?
With yourself and with others?

..Vulnerability and Resistance..  

These two aspects are part of the recipe for growth and expansion along the journey.
They can work hand in hand as our greatest allies,
and they can work hand in hand as our shadows.
We try to suppress, yet they can be our greatest teachers.

Did you know that what we try to hide actually holds the key to the treasure chest?!

Can I?
Should I?
What if?
I can’t
I am not...
They won't like the change..
I can't do it without him/her/them.
No, it's too much...
(all of the stories of the monkey mind)

It is natural to sometimes want to lean into Procrastination and Resistance.
It's all part of the wave of expansion and contraction..
The ebb and flow of doing and not doing, believing and not believing in the:
practices, movement, the quiet/the busy, and all the tools you know will benefit you. This also includes the art of Pleasure… We are quick at putting the to-do list and guilt in front of the Pleasure center of what our spirit really longs for to be nourished.
However, it can be hindering when we tend to become too comfortable around routines, not trying new experiences, living life in the familiar and safe zone, and possibly not wanting to create waves with the people around us (change can bring up insecurity)...

Enter in Curiosity...the Superpower that fuels our Vulnerability. 
Curiosity wants us to explore the new; leading us into opportunities that challenge, expand and help us grow.

Vulnerability gives us the muscles
that allows contraction to turn into action...

We put ourselves out there in new ways..
But very often the fear of being seen gets in the way..
Where is that fear coming from?

The unknown.

I invite you to get NAKED with your Resistance and Vulnerability. 
Set the mood.  
Give yourself permission.
What does your spirit crave? What's blocking you? What's your superpower?

I’d love to hear how you allow yourself to be vulnerable and your greatest lessons you’ve discovered along the way!