::Rose Medicine-Connecting to your Yoni through your Heart and Throat::

🌹 Rose Medicine 🌹 
Rosa centifolia

Rose season is shining her beauty in full unapologetic force right now.

The vibrant colors and aromas are surrounding us here in New Jersey.


On an energetic level, rose offers the highest vibration state, where she offers protection around each of us. She eases grief and stored emotions in the heart She can help soften the hold that emotions can carry in the body.

Rose offers many health properties to the body including working as a nervine, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, astringent, tonifying and heart-health.

Rose supports you in honoring your softness, by finding your voice through your heart center.

What needs to be spoken?

🌹 Imagine a rose stem: sturdy covered in thorns, rising to the softness of the blooming petals that carry sweetness through the air. Imagine your spine and chakra system aligned, with your crown as a pink rose opening to the sweet divine. 
Rose supports you to stand tall, heart open. There will be no hunching your shoulders, falling forward into self doubt. 🌹 

Rose asks you to be vulnerable, strong, and expressive with your emotions. Vulnerability is your strength. Rose wants you to remember your ability over your fragility. 🌹 

When we create space for vulnerability, we allow for a softening within the yoni. The yoni is the sacred portal into accessing our creativity, our sensuality, sexuality and our vitality.

The rose reminds us of our own cycles of unfolding and softening.

What needs to be spoken through your yoni?

What needs to be spoken through your heart?

🌿Green blessings 🌱

This blog is a contribution from Georgia Fickes, herbalist and modern day medicine woman. Georgia is the founder of Turn to Nature -a eco-friendly brand devoted to created sustainable body blends, herbal remedies and crystal jewelry based along the Jersey Shore.

Her products are carried in our practice and you can also find her at many local farmer’s markets in the NJ area.

Connect with Georgia through email: turntonaturenj@gmail.com and on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/turntonature/

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