Nervous System Nourishment in 2024

Hello and Happy 2024 to you!

January invokes the energy of slowing packing and preparing for a big adventure. I have an idea in my mind of everything that I want to bring along: essentials and many fun additions. Then it leads to laying everything out to see what can actually fit in my suitcase. I have a luggage scale that has been well-worn due to my tendency of wanting to squeeze too much in my bag.

What gets packed includes how I want to feel on my journey and what supports that energy.

I have the same relationship with this month of January. I have an idea of different focus areas that I want to tend to over this year, and I am slowing letting it all lay out in front of me to see what is going to come along (as least for the foreseeable future).

What I know is an essential for this journey of 2024 is

Deep Nourishment for the Nervous System.

For the collective Nervous System.

And I have some tools lined up for that..

What about you? What are you envisioning packing for your 2024 journey?

I’d love to hear from you!

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