Late Summer Wellness Guide

Summer. The season of long days and warm nights is fleeting. And so, as we move through August we are reminded to savor the play, root ourselves in Mother Nature’s bounty and support our mind, body and spirit through fresh air, sunlight, vibrant foods and hydration.

Nourishment comes in many forms, but here are a few of our favorite practices to help you flow through these next few weeks with vitality and joy


One of the simplest and best ways to assist your body during this time is to stay hydrated. It is important for keeping your body functioning optimally through the heat and dryness. Try hydrating, in-season foods like cucumber and watermelon, as well as adding lemon or aloe to your water.  

Support Detox through Food

Since a plethora of fresh summer fruits, veggies and herbs are now available through local farmers markets and supermarkets, it’s easy to pick up some key ingredients to help detox through your diet. 

Here are just a few of our favorites!

  • Avocado is beneficial in the fight against galactosamine, a liver toxin. Full of phytochemicals to help digestion and an amazing source of omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Beets contain an antioxidant called betalain, which repairs and regenerates liver cells. 

  • Cherries help deeply cleanse, purify and rejuvenate the liver. The darker, the better!

  • Cilantro stimulates digestive enzymes and cleanses the liver. 

During this time, when there is an uptick in barbecues and parties, we are surrounded by more processed foods and alcohol. A great rule of thumb is to choose higher quality “cheats”, relish each bite, load up on clean eats, and opt for mocktails. 

If you’d like extra nutritional support, please feel free to reach out to Natasha - who will begin offering nutritional guidance in the coming weeks. 


To go the extra mile for detox, relaxation and connection, show your Lymph system love through movement and massage with some of your best friends and family. Gather anyone you choose for some TLC with The Sol Experiences, where the services are brought to you. There are non-invasive treatments, like a FLOWpresso session or yoga practice, or more hands-on experiences such as facials and massages. You can even include guilt-free goodies from Honeybloom Bakery to sweeten your day!

For more information on offerings and bookings, visit

Get Outside

Fresh air & sunlight (Vitamin D) are so vitally important for feeling our best. And what better time of year than now to soak them up as much as possible. We believe that fueling up on Vitamin Sun in the summer build the stores both in the physical and emotional bodies during the longer, darker months. We are big advocates on early sunlight during the sunrise and evening sunsets to support the circadian rhythm.

Whether you prefer to sunbathe on the beach or go for a hike in the mountains, getting outside is an excellent way to reconnect and nourish our minds, bodies and spirits. 

However you choose to nourish yourself and honor the remainder of this season, remember to have fun and enjoy!

This blog was written by Natasha. Natasha came to us in February of 2021, while transitioning from her role as an Insurance Advisor to pursue her true passion of Wellness. With a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University and a Health Coach Certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, as well as a background in healthcare, she has always been interested in helping people improve their overall health and wellbeing. 

She focuses on all areas of life aligning in balance and harmony, and places an emphasis on self-care. During the last two years, her love of nature was re-ignited and her craving for connectivity led her on some incredible adventures - including exploring 33 National Parks. 

Most recently, she has taken a deep dive into understanding brain and gut health as preventative measures against Alzheimer’s and Dementia, which are predispositions within her own family. She also recognizes how brain/gut health tie into other common neurobiological and psychological conditions such as ADHD and anxiety. Through food and implementing stress management practices, Natasha believes anyone can add longevity and vitality to their life. 

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