Vulva Candle, The Sacred Path. *Beeswax

Vulva Candle, The Sacred Path. *Beeswax


The sacred path, the lotus, the boat to heaven.

A note from the candle creatrix Kim:

"Eons in the millennia, the yoni (vagina), was regarded a sacred phenomenon – the portal between the great heavens and our planet Earth. Some 5,000 years ago, the Indian Tantric culture and the 1000-year-old Chinese Han dynasty, both believed that the yoni was the gateway from which all of life originated. Regarded as the “flowery pool,” or the “mysterious gate,” the two ancient traditions believed that for men to reach a state of balance and good health, they would have to honour the yoni in deep reverence. It was not only about respecting the yoni as a symbol but also about honouring the women partners that these men engaged with in their lives.

The yoni, sometimes referred to as pindika, is an aniconic illustration of the goddess Shakti in Hinduism. It is usually shown with the linga – its masculine counterpart and together, they symbolize the merging of the microcosmos and the macrocosmos, the divine infinite process of creation and regeneration, and the union of the feminine and the masculine that recreates all of existence. The yoni is theorized as nature’s gateway of all births, especially in the esoteric Kaula and Tantra practices, as well as the Shaktism and Shaivism traditions of Hinduism.

Every single vortex on this planet is a represent of the yoni: from the eye of the hurricane to the openings of ancient caves, indicative of nature’s need of the sacred portal that transcends dimensions and epochs of existence – the whole Universe depends on it; it is what aids us in our spiritual ascension and guides us to reaching our highest calling lifetime after lifetime…"

 May you ascend in the wisdom of the Goddess – Jai Maa!

Excerpt  taken from Sujata Nandy World Gurukul

Measures 4x2x.5inches, beeswax

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