Warm Water with Lemon


This simple ritual of sipping warm water with lemon can support digestive health, boost the energy level in the body and get the blood flowing.


  • 16 ounces warm water (not boiling)

  • ¼-1/2 organic lemon

  • Thumbnail length of fresh ginger root

*Makes one serving

Optional Ingredients

  • Sprinkle of cayenne pepper
  • Capful of apple cider vinegar


  1. Cut the lemon in half or quarters and squeeze juice into water. You can add lemon directly to the water as well.
  2. Peel and slice the ginger root and add to water.
  3. Add cayenne pepper or apple cider vinegar if tolerated.
  4. Sip and enjoy first thing in the morning!

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water with Lemon First Thing in the Morning

1. Boosts your immune system 

Lemons are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain and nerve function and helps control blood pressure. 

2. Balances pH 

Lemons are an incredibly alkaline food, believe it or not. Yes, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they're alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized. An alkaline body is really the key to good health. 

3. Helps with weight loss 

Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster. 

4. Aids digestion 

The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis—the waves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Lemons and limes are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract. 

5. Acts as a gentle, natural diuretic 

Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy. 

6. Clears skin 

The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well. 

7. Hydrates the lymph system 

This cup of goodness helps start the day on a hydrated note, which helps prevent dehydration (obviously) and adrenal fatigue. When your body is dehydrated, or deeply dehydrated (adrenal fatigue) it can't perform all of its proper functions, which leads to toxic buildup, stress, constipation, and the list goes on. Your adrenals happen to be two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys, and along with your thyroid, create energy. They also secrete important hormones, including aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by your adrenals that regulates water levels and the concentration of minerals, like sodium, in your body, helping you stay hydrated. Your adrenals are also responsible for regulating your stress response. So, the bottom line is that you really don't want to mess with a deep state of dehydration!